
Jessy kercen dhe ne Dermolife pas nderhyrjes se saj

Jassy Dance With Me foto Dermolife

Despite all the professional achievements, at any time and at any stage I felt that I did not give my maximum only because of the complexes that I had for my breasts.Now I feel that I shine,Im feeling self confident. I'm happy and that’s because of Dermolife Polyclinic. I didn’t thought I would have my breast much more beautiful than my dreams.You watched me on” Dance With Me” Show,and you all have noticed the joy im my eyes,the energy in my body,that was only because I felt good of my surgery result. Thank you very much doctor Lida Hoxha.I’m thankful to all the great staff of Dermolife.

Jassy Dance With Me Dermolife

Pavaresisht gjithe arritjeve profesionale,ne cdo kohe dhe ne cdo skene,kam ndjere qe nuk jepjamaksimumin tim,vetem per shkak te komplekseve qe kisha per gjoksin tim.Sot une ndjej qe shkelqej,qerrezatoj.Sot ndihem plot vetebesim. Jam e lumtur dhe kjo fale poliklinikes Dermolife.Nuk e kisha menduar kurre se do kisha nje dite gjoks edhe me te bukur nga sa e kisha enderruar.Ju me keni pare ne spektaklin Dance With Me ,keni vene re gezimin ne syte e mi,energjine ne trupin tim, fale rezultatit te kirurgjise.Faleminderit doktoreshe Lida Hoxha.Faleminderit gjithe stafit te mrekullueshem te Dermolife.